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Peak Design's Travel Line Looks Like the Peak of Flexible Travel Gear - Preorder and Save Over 20%

Peak Design , makers of our readers’ favorite camera bags , is diving headfirst into the travel market, and you can save on its entire new travel line by backing it on Kickstarter . Read more... from Lifehacker

Hop Into the Weekend With a Lemongrass Kangaroo

Happy weekend, and welcome back to 3-Ingredient Happy Hour , the weekly drink column featuring super simple yet delicious libations. Today I would like to introduce you to the Kangaroo, which some (wrong) people refer to as “a vodka martini.” Read more... from Lifehacker

These Are the Apps You'll Need For Today's Lunar Eclipse

Lunar eclipses only come around once in a blue moon (figuratively speaking, of course). Later this evening, our Earth will block the sun’s light from hitting the surface of the Moon. Along with its usual bright white look, our Moon will also don a reddish color for a short period of time. Read more... from Lifehacker

Our Favorite Apps This Month: July 2018 

Every week at Lifehacker, we highlight four different apps and browser extensions that can do something awesome for your devices (or life): one for each platform or major browser. If you took an Internet-free sabbatical or went on vacation for a week, you probably missed some gems. Read more... from Lifehacker

Don't Distract a Service Dog

Meeting dogs is fun, so we get why you might want to meet all of them, even service dogs. But it’s crucial— life-saving —that you recognize the difference between a pet and a dog that’s doing a job. As the blog Mashable explains, if you distract a service dog, you could endanger the life of its owner . Read more... from Lifehacker

It's Probably Time You Bought Better Headphones

When we last rounded up our staff’s Weekly Upgrades, our editors were re-thinking our approaches to cleaning, trying new cocktails, improving our makeup routines, and tricking out our outdoor equipment. Read more... from Lifehacker

Get Yourself a Pair of GREATS For Up to 50% Off

You’ve probably seen an ad for GREATS on Facebook or Instagram, and I’m happy to report that they aren’t a scam. I own a pair of Royales , and they’re my go-to sneaker for when I want to be comfortable but also want to look like I give a shit (which is how I feel most of the time). Right now, they’re having a Summer… Read more... from Lifehacker