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Stop Filling Out Questionnaires for 'Personalized' Products

There are few things more satisfying than telling a story about yourself, and hearing it told back to you with validation and approval. That’s why horoscopes and Hogwarts house quizzes are so popular. And it’s often all that’s going on when you buy into a company’s pitch for “personalized” health or beauty products. Read more... from Lifehacker

You Can Now Tell Alexa to Delete Your Conversations

If you don’t like the idea that your Echo device is recording every question you ask it—all in the interest of, well, whatever Amazon’s reasoning is —you can now wipe its memory each day with a handy voice command. Say this to your device, “Alexa, delete everything I said today,” and your Echo speaker or other Alexa… Read more... from Lifehacker

Will You Get Arrested for Traveling With CBD Oil?

A woman was recently arrested at Disney World for carrying a prohibited substance: CBD oil, reportedly used to help with her arthritis pain. Read more... from Lifehacker

Add a Wireless Backup Camera to Any Car For $72

Once you drive a car with a rear-view camera , you instantly become incapable of backing up without one. Read more... from Lifehacker

Use Mayo to Bread Chicken Nuggets

We have known for a while now that mayonnaise has applications beyond sandwiches and deli salads. Searing steaks , baking cakes , and mashing potates are just a few of its “outside the bread” applications, and I am so pleased to announce yet another: breading those nugs. Read more... from Lifehacker

Learn the Difference Between 'If I Was' and 'If I Were'

If I were to tell you that “If I was” and “If I were” should not be used interchangeably, would you believe me? Well you should, because they each have their own place in the English language, and it’s not just whichever one sounds good in the moment. Luckily, once you know the rule, it’s pretty easy to decide when… Read more... from Lifehacker

Check Your Investment Portfolio Once a Month

It’s a refrain you’ve heard here before: Stop checking your investments. Let the market do its thing. Remain somewhat blissfully unaware. Trust that your nest egg will grow. Read more... from Lifehacker