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How to Help When Your Child Is the New Kid in a Virtual Classroom

This school year is going to be downright bizarre. There is a lot of new in our new normal to adjust to—especially if, in addition to everything else, you’re also the new kid in what is suddenly a virtual classroom. Being new to the class is exciting and stressful during non-pandemic days, but how do you help your… Read more... from Lifehacker

This Windows 10 'Drive Optimization' Bug Could Harm Your Drive

The latest Windows 10 update appears to be running the automatic hard drive optimization process more often than it needs to. While this is a necessary part of a hard drive’s upkeep, and letting Windows run the TRIM command on your SSD never hurts, excessively defragmenting the drive is generally unnecessary and can… Read more... from Lifehacker

Pick up for Your Pickup a $45 Power Bank Jump Starter You Can Also Use for Cars

Tacklife T6 800A Jump Starter | $45 | Amazon | Promo Code 7QWE5DCO Read more... from Lifehacker

Why Sony's PlayStation 5 Pre-Orders Are a Joke

I don’t like preorders any more than you. I certainly hate seeing items available only in limited quantities go right to eBay—even before their launch date—at absurdly marked-up prices. And Sony is doing you one even better for the anticipated November launch of the PlayStation 5: A preorder preorder. Read more... from Lifehacker

How to Live (More) Safely in a Dorm During a Pandemic

There’s no “safe” way to live in a dorm during a pandemic. As careful as your college kid may be, they can’t control whether Johnny Dumbass down the hall still does keg stands at frat parties on the weekends. Nothing is guaranteed with all these young people living together in a confined space with so many common… Read more... from Lifehacker

How to Help People Impacted by Hurricane Laura

Early this morning, Hurricane Laura made landfall near Cameron, Louisiana, battering the region with winds up to 150 mph. There is already one confirmed fatality , and Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards says he expects more to be reported over the next few days. While there is already extensive damage in Louisiana, Laura… Read more... from Lifehacker

The Difference Between a Strike and a Boycott

If you follow sports at all (or even if you don’t), you probably noticed that neither the NBA nor WNBA  played any of the games they were scheduled to play yesterday. It started with the Milwaukee Bucks refusing to play their scheduled playoff game with the Orlando Magic, and quickly snowballed into no basketball games… Read more... from Lifehacker